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Aeroflot Flights

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Useful Insights about Aeroflot

Hub Airports: Sheremetyevo International Airport
Head Quarter: Moscow, Russia
Popular Route:Moscow - New York City
Popular Destinations:Yerevan, Los Angeles, St Petersburg

Book Cheap Aeroflot Flights

Known for the glorious history that dates back to 1923, Aeroflot is the flag carrier and the largest airline of the Russian Federation and is one of the oldest airlines in the world. It offers domestic and international passenger services to all major destinations. Some of the popular destinations which this airline flies to include Bangkok, Barcelona, Beijing, Berlin, Frankfurt, Havana, Kuala Lumpur, Manchester, Miami, Milan, Munich, New York City, Rio de Janeiro, Sydney, Venice and many more. It has the fleet size of 113 aircraft that flies to more than 116 destinations. After joining SkyTeam in April 2006, it becomes the 10th member of the alliance. With its main hub at Sheremetyevo International Airport, Aeroflot offers excellent flight experience. Save big by booking Aeroflot tickets with CheapOair today!

In-flight Amenities

Economy class comes equipped with the Panasonic eX2 entertainment system in every seat with video monitors ranging in size from 9 (for Economy Class) to 15,4 inches ( business class). Here you can choose from a wide list of soft drinks and juices. During the whole flight you are offered two hot meals. Do check out the in-flight Aeroflot magazines and newspapers during the flight.

Online Check In

With the online check-in service, you can check in between 24 hours and 45 minutes prior to departure.