
Cheap Flights to Baghdad (BGW)

Baghdad Flights Information

Non Stop Flights:21 Flights Weekly
Top Airlines:Qatar Airways, Royal Jordanian, Turkish Airlines

Facts About Flying to Baghdad, Iraq

  • 51% of Baghdad travelers were over the age of 35.
  • 12% of Baghdad travelers were over the age of 60.
  • 7% of Baghdad travelers travelers booked First or Business Class.
  • 12% of travelers traveled to Baghdad with kids under 14.
  • 29% of Baghdad travelers were millennials.
  • 41% of Baghdad travelers were female.
  • Travelers spent an average of 45 days in Baghdad.
  • September was the month with most bookings for Baghdad.
  • April was month with the least bookings for Baghdad.
‡ All of the above-mentioned facts are derived from the data of the last 3 months while the highest and lowest booking months are picked on the basis of last 12 months.

Grab Cheap Flight Tickets to Baghdad

Reasons to Book Cheap Baghdad Flights

Capital of Iraq, Baghdad (BGW) is the largest city in Iraq and is considered commercial, cultural and intellectual hub for the Islamic world. Also known as centre of learning, the city which was destroyed by the Mongol Empire is home to some beautiful monuments, museums and architectural marvels. Tourists are sure to get addicted to the authentic and delicious cuisine of Baghdad for sure.

Swords of Kadisiyah

Explore the amazing history of the place by visiting Swords of Kadisiyah which is a pair of arches celebrating the victory of Iraq over Iran. The huge arches lead to a former parade ground and are aptly titled “Hands of Victory”. Also visit Monument to the Unknown Soldier which was built as an ode of respect to the martyrs of Iraq-Iran war.

National Museum of Iraq

National Museum of Iraq is a premier tourist destination and presents immense information on the history of Mesopotamian culture and houses an impressive collection from the Iraq War. The museum is only open on special occasions and lets you bite a slice of Iraq’s history.

Green Zone

Whether you want to feast on local cuisines or gorge on Mc Donald’s burger, Green Zone is the place for you. The place is renowned for its security and consists of an impressive range of restaurants and bars to treat your taste buds.

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