
Cheap Flights to Easter Island (IPC)

Easter Island Flights Information

Top Airlines:LAN Airlines

Facts About Flying to Easter Island, Chile

  • 75% of Easter Island travelers were over the age of 35.
  • 38% of Easter Island travelers were over the age of 60.
  • 25% of Easter Island travelers were millennials.
  • 50% of Easter Island travelers were female.
  • Travelers spent an average of 50 days in Easter Island.
  • November was the month with most bookings for Easter Island.
  • March, April was month with the least bookings for Easter Island.
‡ All of the above-mentioned facts are derived from the data of the last 3 months while the highest and lowest booking months are picked on the basis of last 12 months.

Grab Cheap Flight Tickets to Easter Island

Reasons to Book Cheap Easter Island Flights

Affectionately called Rapa Nui by the locals, Easter Island (IPC) is the most isolated inhabited island on Earth. Merely thinking about Easter Island the first thing that will cross your mind are the island's famous moai sculptures, but that’s not all this place has much more to explore.


Any visit to Eastern Island will be considered unfinished if you don’t see the Moai. One thing that should be kept in mind while visiting the Moai is that they are placed on ceremonial platforms and walking on them is considered as disrespectful gesture.

Scuba Diving in Motu Nui and Motu Iti

1 kilometer south of the island is the islets Motu Nui and Motu Iti where scuba diving and snorkeling is a popular act. Here you can also get guided tour to the islets and the equipments for scuba diving and snorkeling.

Guided Tour

In order to make your trip smooth and easy take up the guided tour offered by many companies in the island by this you don’t have to worry about breaking any local rules.

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