
Cheap Flights to Jacksonville (JAX)

Jacksonville Flights Information

Non Stop Flights:282 Flights Weekly
Top Airlines:American Airlines, Spirit Airlines, United Airlines

Facts About Flying to Jacksonville, Florida

  • 56% of Jacksonville travelers were over the age of 35.
  • 16% of Jacksonville travelers were over the age of 60.
  • 3% of Jacksonville travelers travelers booked First or Business Class.
  • 6% of travelers traveled to Jacksonville with kids under 14.
  • 31% of Jacksonville travelers were millennials.
  • 54% of Jacksonville travelers were female.
  • Travelers spent an average of 13 days in Jacksonville.
  • August was the month with most bookings for Jacksonville.
  • April was month with the least bookings for Jacksonville.
‡ All of the above-mentioned facts are derived from the data of the last 3 months while the highest and lowest booking months are picked on the basis of last 12 months.

Grab Cheap Flight Tickets to Jacksonville

Reasons to Book Cheap Jacksonville Flights

For nature lovers, art lovers, fitness freaks and music buffs, Jacksonville is a destination second to none. The picturesque beaches, nature preserves, spectacular waterways, and imposing museums attract visitors from all across the world. In addition, the city is also holds plenty of music concerts, and celebrates ethnic festivals. In a nutshell, Jacksonville is an excellent destination, offering great number of attractions for tourists.

Jacksonville Beach

Jacksonville Beach offers 22 miles of fun and frolic. The beach has jogging tracks, water sports, and houses vibrant pubs perfect for the party animals. Tourists can also explore two beautiful beaches located near the Jacksonville Beach - the Atlantic Beach, and the Neptune Beach.


Located along the banks of St. Johns River, Riverside was built in first quarter of twentieth century. It is the historical hotspot of Jacksonville and boasts a number of old homes and churches. Memorial Park located in Riverside is home to a statue of Winged Victory. This park has an interesting war memorial dedicated to those who had laid down their lives in the First World War.

Fort Caroline National Memorial

Fort Caroline was the first French settlement in America. It is said that the French had first come to this magnificent site in 1562 AD to colonize it. The museum boasts displays of relics of the massacre of French sailors and condition of the city after the massacre. Kingsley Plantation, a 19th century estate of an English businessman, is also a site of interest here in the museum.

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