
Cheap Flights to Merida (MID)

Merida Flights Information

Non Stop Flights:14 Flights Weekly
Top Airlines:Interjet, American Airlines, Aeromexico

Facts About Flying to Merida, Mexico

  • 70% of Merida travelers were over the age of 35.
  • 25% of Merida travelers were over the age of 60.
  • 15% of Merida travelers travelers booked First or Business Class.
  • 3% of travelers traveled to Merida with kids under 14.
  • 19% of Merida travelers were millennials.
  • 47% of Merida travelers were female.
  • Travelers spent an average of 10 days in Merida.
  • November was the month with most bookings for Merida.
  • April was month with the least bookings for Merida.
‡ All of the above-mentioned facts are derived from the data of the last 3 months while the highest and lowest booking months are picked on the basis of last 12 months.

Grab Cheap Flight Tickets to Merida

Reasons to Book Cheap Merida Flights

Merida is the capital and largest city of the Mexican state of Yucatan. The city is located 35 kilometers from the Gulf of Mexico Coast. Merida has Mayan, Spanish, French, British, and Dutch influences. The town has a colonial history, and boasts of narrow streets, broad central plazas, and some of the best museums of the region.

Historic Plaza Mayor

Plaza Mayor is the commercial and cultural hub of Merida. The presence of shady palm trees, gorgeous flower gardens, and fountains makes it a popular place to hang out! The place is also known for its regular markets and some really good restaurants, specializing in traditional Mexican fare.

MACAY – the Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Yucatan

The Museum of Contemporary Art, locally called Macay is one of the most renowned museums of the state. The museum gallery displays both temporary and permanent exhibits of contemporary art. The highlights of the museum include works by prominent Mexican artists such as Fernando Castro Pacheco, Fernando Garcia and more.

The Natural History Museum

The Natural History Museum is housed in the gorgeously restored former government building known as the Palacio del General Canton. The collection displays material associated with the peak period of Maya Civilization, and other advanced cultures from pre-Columbian Mexico.

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