
Cheap Flights to Newcastle (NCL)

Newcastle Flights Information

Non Stop Flights:4 Flights Weekly
Top Airlines:British Airways, KLM Airlines, Virgin Atlantic Airways

Facts About Flying to Newcastle, United Kingdom

  • 65% of Newcastle travelers were over the age of 35.
  • 12% of Newcastle travelers were over the age of 60.
  • 4% of Newcastle travelers travelers booked First or Business Class.
  • 4% of travelers traveled to Newcastle with kids under 14.
  • 26% of Newcastle travelers were millennials.
  • 47% of Newcastle travelers were female.
  • Travelers spent an average of 8 days in Newcastle.
  • November was the month with most bookings for Newcastle.
  • April was month with the least bookings for Newcastle.
‡ All of the above-mentioned facts are derived from the data of the last 3 months while the highest and lowest booking months are picked on the basis of last 12 months.

Grab Cheap Flight Tickets to Newcastle

Reasons to Book Cheap Newcastle Flights

Founded in 1651 Newcastle (NCL) was named as Fort Casimir. It has arguably the best nightlife in all of Britain; no visit in England is incomplete without stopping at Newcastle and enjoying the awesome nightlife. It’s a nice break for both children and adults. Watch a brilliant performance in the Theater Royale which was opened in 1837 and presents more than 380 performances a year.

Tyne Bridge

The most famous view in Newcastle is the cluster of Tyne Bridges, and the Tyne Bridge, a good example of a compression arch suspended-deck bridge famous the world over. The bridge is the world's first road and Railway Bridge which was built in 1849.

St Nicholas Cathedral

This cathedral is worth visiting during its opening hours as it is only then when you can get to see the beauty of this church from inside. The church is also England’s most northerly cathedral at the heart of this, England's most northerly Diocese. Within the cathedral you will find the story of city and tales of its unsung heroes and also get to know about its developments.

River Tyne

Take a short walk at the river Tyne which is a short walk from the station. Feel the fresh breath of the atmosphere and get relaxed after a long tiring day.

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